The BRA Foundation is managed by a very small group of unpaid trustees.
Jian Farhadi, MD, PD, FMH (Plast), EBOPRAS. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Head of Department Plastic Surgery, Guy\’s and St. Thomas\’ Hospital, London
Rebecca Hull, Patient & Project Manager
Louisa Henriques, Ardent Supporter
Joanna E Johnston, Costume Designer, London
Honorary Patron
Kate Courtenay, London
Medical Advisory Committee
Stefan O.P. Hofer, MD, PhD, FRCS(C). Professor, University of Toronto, Chief Division of Plastic Surgery, Toronto, Canada
Jaume Masia, MD PhD. Professor and Chief of Plastic Surgery Department, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Michael Scheflan, MD PhD. Atidim Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Susanna Kauhanen, MD PhD. Plastic Surgery Consultant, Helsinki University Hospital, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Finland, Helsinki
Fabio Santanelli, MD PhD. Professor, Chief of Plastic Surgery Unit, Sant\’Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy
Chris Andree, MD PhD. Professor, Chief of Department, Sana Klinken, Duesseldorf, Germany
Getting this website live has been a labour of love and much hard work. We couldn\’t have done it without support and help from some important friends along the way. The BRA team would like to extend their gratitude to Peri Lyon, Maria Maganto-Jones, Christina Vlahakis and all at Emu design.